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Thursday, February 23, 2012

3 years to long...

3 years have come and gone since I last seen you... The imagine of you still burns in my head, I can see your beautiful face, your eyes, your nose and your little lips. I can still feel my fingers trace your face and your hair. Feeling your soft baby skin against my fingertips and your sweet tiny baby hair. I brushed my thumb up and down your forehead what seems to be in my head days, but the harsh reality was it was to short.

My fear is one day I will wake up and forget those images and I will forget how it felt to touch you. I pray to God everyday to let me keep you alive in my head and keep your name going.

Yesterday was a good day, two beautiful friends of mine sent you balloons to heaven. (By the way I know you seen Nevaeh snatch your purple butterfly balloon!) I hope you loved your balloons, but be sure to share with Jenna and Nevaeh (even though she already snatched the purple one). I know they are keeping you company on your special day up there... you are probably having 'glitter wars' and eating as much 'cotton candy' as you can.....(Thank goodness there's no cavities in heaven).

Know that everyday I keep your name alive and you are still remembered. Until that beautiful day when we are reunited you are forever in my heart, my brain and my soul.

Know that even from Heaven you are changing lives and making strides to help others. Your life did not end in vain. You are loved far much more than you know.

Fly High Baby Girl...Fly High..

*Finding Hope in Grief and Learning to Dance in the Rain...*


Holly said...


Remembering with you today...

I hope you never forget the images of and the time with your baby girl xo

Nevaeh's mommy said...

love you sister,I am so glad we could do something special for Audrey...She will never be forgotten,she will be forever loved...

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